Look around and what do you see? Today on the way to work I counted the different colors of nature that were all around me and I counted [in the long three mile drive], 26 different colors in flowers, leaves and ground cover. It was so nice to be able to look around and appreciate these colors, especially since it was such a dreary day. I love spring and I love fall and you know I am sure it is because of the colors of each season.
I believe when God created the world he must have had one huge art pallet with oodles of color choices.
Now we have so many things in our lives which require choosing color: paint for your home or business, cars, hair, clothing, nail polish, jewelry, make up and even food.
Do you recall in the Wizard Of Oz when Dorothy stepped out of her home into OZ, what a difference it made that the movie was then in color? That to me was a great way to let us really appreciate color.
This weekend we are photographing a Prom and the Prom Committee made a request that we offer regular color photographs and the choice of Black and White with "Color Wash" only in the background flowers, it should be interesting to tally up the choices. It will be their choice and it will be unique, but I wonder how many will make the "Color Wash" photograph choice over the traditional color photograph. Especially with all the choices of colors for the beautiful prom gowns.
Don't get me wrong when done right there is nothing like the rich, classic Black and White portrait, but then God gave us color too and we can have beautiful color portraits.
Take a moment and look around, how many colors in nature do you see?
Be sure to Thank God, I did :-)