Sunday, February 8, 2009


When did we first learn to make choices? More than likely when we were very young. I can not remember that far back, can you? Sometimes we make the right choice and sometimes we don't. Hopefully we learn from this either way we choose.
I can honestly say in my life I have made many wrong choices! Wrong friends, answers, clothing, business decisions, ways to tell someone about something ( a lie perhaps?), ex-marital partner and then there are my many wrong personal choices which only God and I know about. Then of course I have made many right choices. Right husband, friends, religion, business actions, answers, clothing, pets, being totally honest, and of course there are right personal choices which only God and I have experienced.
Lately Mike and I have been busy making many choices about: treadmills, business upgrades and upheavals, furniture rearranging, and today we begin The McClure House furnishing choices.
WOW this includes: furniture, drapes, dishes, towels, sheets, lighting, rugs, wall decor, light switch and plug in covers, appliances, sinks, faucets and who knows what else. WHEW!
If I were a shopaholic I would be ecstatic, but I am not. However we want this business entity to be just right so we have to make the RIGHT CHOICES.
Thankfully before we begin our shopping venture today, we will attend church, I hope it is a right choice to ask God to make sure to help Mike and I work together to make the right choices. However, I did say I made the right choice of Husband and I am sure God had a hand in that, so perhaps just a bit of reinforcement for working together will be my request at church, don't you think?
Oh and by the way, my wish for you today is for you to make the right choice!


But you can call me Miss... said...

Shopping! Shopping! We are Shopping! Shopping! Have Fun!

sribbler said...

if one have lot of choices, then there is no more thrill in should limit himself at one certain choice or few choices to have a meaningful life..