Friday, December 19, 2008


Do You prefer white or colored Christmas lights? My preference is colored, after all aren't there many colors in Christmas? However many prefer white. To me the white lights make a simple statement.
Pristine and calm, yes, as the light that the first Christmas had  from the star, it was white and guiding the Shepherds and Wise men to the  Baby Jesus.
Yet, don't you imagine the multitudes of Angels and humans on earth celebrating the birth of our Lord would have preferred color? That Glorious time of celebration was very colorful I am sure.
So simply put, do you prefer white, pristine lights or do you prefer colorful, festive celebration lights?
No matter, the lights of Christmas are all very beautiful, just as the Birth of Our Lord was on the First Christmas.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I prefer colored lights. :)

The white ones are nice, but I still remember being underneath the Christmas tree as a child and marveling at all of the different colors. White lights just don't have the same effect.