Sunday, December 21, 2008

A very busy day!

Have you ever really felt you were honestly nuts? I think I did today.
As I attempted to complete my Christmas shopping on the final Sunday before the big day, I really felt that I must be nuts! People everywhere!
I do not like crowds and rudeness, much of what I ran into today. However people watching was a blast, thankfully. There was one man ( I think) who seemed to be in every store I was, he was very interesting looking. Then we were at another store and Hubby said to catch the lady in the next aisle, well I am so glad he was not around as I took a peak at her, I think she took the wrong flight, with her attire she should live in Sweden or some Nordic country. She was dressed head to toe for very cold weather and we were inside too! If I had met hubby's eyes as I observed her, I would have become one of the rude people due to my uncontrollable laughter.
The young people were fun to watch, at least I did not feel I had to run after them and help pull up their britches this year. :) But of course observing their DRAMA was fun.
But still whatever happened to pride in your appearance? We are most certainly a dress DOWN society now. Perhaps that is why the world is so down, I don't know, just a thought. I have to say I did not finish my shopping but there is still time. I hope. Tis the season, fa la la la la la la!

1 comment:

But you can call me Miss... said...

Chris much prefers when I dress up. And brings it up OFTEN when I am donning jeans and a sweatshirt. I guess he would agree with you :)

Sidenote- I'm done shopping and it isn't even Christmas Eve!