Thursday, December 4, 2008


10,9,8,7,6...... you know what it is like.
Time in, time out, in time, out of time. Wouldn't it be great if we were able to control time? Just imagine it, everything could be done in due time and would be on time! What a stress reliever for all! Never to be late. But also nothing would be finished just in the nick of time, what a relief!
Perhaps it would end moodiness, depression and impatience!
I want to live in this world!!!
And now it is countdown to Christmas time, talk about pressure. Perhaps we all should "take time to smell the roses or gingerbread or pine trees" ....aah wouldn't that make Christmas for sure the most wonderful time of the year?

1 comment:

Da Deacon said...

Well said sweetie, but I must say that our time together is always quality time and I don't wish to give that up.