Thursday, September 3, 2009

Always Keep Going!

I live on the lake with my husband, 2 labs, one chihuahua and 3 cats and lots of bugs and spiders.
There is one particularly special spider and I have named her Ms. Persistent. I meet up with her every day and I do not understand why she returns each day in the same place recreating the web that has to blow away each day that I get in my car and drive to work. When I get to work the web is gone and I imagine Ms. P is hidden away in the mirror on the driver side of my car to rest until the evening when she works really hard to start weaving her web again.
Many people do not like spiders, but thanks to one of my favorite childhood books which is "Charlotte's Web", spiders are not something that terrorize me.
Yes there are many scary looking and dangerous spiders but most are generally not a danger and they even help out by taking care of mosquitoes and perhaps other varmints that are pesty. Thankfully I learned to appreciate the good things they do when as a young girl I attended camp and lived with many spiders.
So I do not find it necessary to get rid of Ms.P, today for lunch I went to a drive up to pick up the food and low and behold she had started to spin a new web, well the gal at the drive up panicked as she handed me my drink and noted the web, I assured her it was okay as she practically threw the order at me. Obviously she did NOT LIKE spiders.
The point of this blog is that I have been thinking how I should pay attention to Ms.P's determination to continue to weave her web on my car and note that she does not give up! There are many things I want but always they seem to get blown or brushed or even swept away. Perhaps what I need to do, is to be persistent and not give up and perhaps my web will remain and if not, I'll start over once again. It is said, that if at first you do not succeed than try, try again! I guess I will and maybe I will weave a permanent web and achieve all that I want to.
I shall be Ms. P. and succeed!

1 comment:

Da Deacon said...

A great post, full of inspiration and full of theological implications about persistence. All creatures great and small declare the Glory of Almighty God!