Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Shopping, is the great American pastime and it is what keeps this country ticking. Although at times lately, the ticking is slow, it continues and perhaps as the batteries are replaced or recharged shopping will get back on track.
For me lately, I think I am helping to recharge the batteries. Furniture, curtains, linens, bedding, dishes, pots, pans, glasses, cutlery and so much more! Whew, I can not wait to stop! Sure wish when you opened a venue such as ours, we could have had a housewarming shower, I think opening gifts would be so much more fun than shopping day in and day out. I can not believe I feel this way, but I am ready for the Guesthouse to be complete, yet I keep thinking "oh, we need this or oh, we need that".
We have tried our best to shop locally to help our community's economy, but sometimes it just is not here, thus we have made trips to many antique stores throughout the area, looking for just the right piece for this room or just the perfect picture for that room.
This evening we took a quick trip to Vincennes, for fabric for some cushions Mike's Mother, Nancy is going to help with. Mike and Jim (his Father) went with and as we walked through the store the cashier commented that our "menfolk" looked as if they were tired of shopping and yes they were!
Last Saturday Nancy and I went shopping for bedding, linens, and kitchen things. We had a blast, however Nancy did comment that spending money was getting to her, tell me about it. We laughed, when we took our carts up to the front of the store and the clerks eyes about popped out, when we asked if we could leave the full carts up front and take additional carts to fill. They asked if were we opening up a hotel and we told them "uh, yes sort of". As we continued shopping I overheard one clerk say "well, I have made my quota for the day". So glad to help!!
I am so happy that Nancy & Jim have come up from Dallas, but two weeks is not enough time. They have some pretty good ideas for bits and pieces to add to the house. And Nancy knows her antiques! They will head back home on Monday. Sunday is Father's Day and we will have the first dinner at the McClure Guesthouse. I can not wait and it will be, just one more lovely memory we have in this very special home of ours. And soon, we will share this home with many, so they too can have good memories.
The McClure Guesthouse is almost complete, we will have our Grand Opening in July. The OLNEY ARTS COUNCIL is going to help us as we host an Ice Cream Social on the Lawn along with tours and a bit of the history of the 1872 McClure Home, given by Arts Council Members. Watch for the announcement and come and make your own special step back in time, memory!

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